The Circles of Cairnhill
When it comes to recycling, we all do our part to help keep the environment greener and cleaner.
For you at home, it can be as simple as reducing food wastage or remembering the colours of your recycling bins. You could even try your hand at a little garden farming!
Here at Cairnhill Farm, we also ensure that ‘We hae meat’ is green – and no, we’re not just talking about the grassy hills outside!
What are the Circles of Cairnhill?
We call our recycling efforts the Circles of Cairnhill, which makes sure every part of our farming process are in-tune and reflect the ‘We hae meat’ difference.
For instance, did you know that our leftover packaging is recycled into bedding for our cattle to sleep in?
Meanwhile, those same cattle help grow their own food (with the help of our hardworking farmers, of course). Using their manure, we create rich soil for growing their grass and barley.
The Circles of Cairnhill are just a part of the contributions we make to help our environment, though are at the heart of everything we do. After all, a family business needs to look after the next generation too!