Now Playing: ‘We hae meat’ Karaoke

At ‘We hae meat’, we’re not afraid to belt out some lyrics when a tune catches our attention or to entertain ourselves as we work preparing our products for you. To us, it doesn’t matter if we’re good at singing, it’s all about fun — and puns!

Over the past couple of months, you’ve answered our call to join our musical mischief for ‘We hae meat’ Karaoke.  We asked you to place our products into song lyrics.

Needless to say, you didn’t let us down! Hilarious, witty and slightly hunger-inducing, your karaoke-pun game was unrivalled.

But which five got the golden buzzer; the judges’ approval; that won the hearts of the nation?

Check out our Top 5!

  1. “And piiiiieeeee will always looove yoooouuuuuu….” (Kirstie Porteous)
    I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston

  2. “We’ll meat again… don’t know where, don’t know when!” (Kaz Jacks)
    We’ll Meet Again, Vera Lynn

  3. “Tell me pies, tell me sweet little pies…” (John Tripley)
    Little Lies, Fleetwood Mac

  4. “HEY, I just met you, and this is crazy;
    Make me a steak slice – and don’t be lazy!” (Robert Sanchez)
    Call Me Maybe, Carly Rae Jepsen

  5. “Slice slice… baby slice…” (George Dode McBurnie)
    Ice Ice Baby, Vanilla Ice

A special congratulations goes out to John Tripley, who submitted a very meaty amount of songs (close to 40!). You knew a whole jukebox of songs to match our products and definitely earned the title of Karaoke King!

Thank you to everyone that added to the ‘We hae meat’ Karaoke catalogue. Keep them coming. And in the mean time, why not sing along to our own tracks?

Our playlist:

Click on each image to see more suggestions from our talented ‘We hae meat’ customers. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to sing along!

Steak a chance, steak a chance…


Everybody in the world, slice up your life!


It’s the circle of slice!


Steeeaaak onnn meee, steak on me!

Xander Campbell